Eight ways to prepare for retirement
Follow these steps to create the retirement you see for yourself.

Want to live out retirement on your terms? Start preparing today, even if it’s still far off.
Begin by contacting your Edward Jones financial advisor so you can develop a solid retirement savings strategy to help you live comfortably after you stop working. How much to you need to save? Find out by using our retirement calculator.
Boost your 401(k) savings
It's never too soon to ramp up your savings for your life as a retiree. And one of the best ways to do so is to increase your contributions to your 401(k) – or whatever retirement account you have access to.
Start saving now
There are lots of things in life you can't control, but saving for your future doesn't have to be one of them. Harness the power of saving money over time with systematic investing.
Think about the "what ifs"
Don't let unexpected events stop you from achieving your financial goals, like retirement. You can make sure you’re financially stable by establishing an emergency fund, getting insurance and creating an investment strategy designed to withstand the market’s ups and downs.
Establish your risk threshold
The biggest risk you face isn't in the stock market – it's the possibility of not reaching your long-term goals. See how you can balance your comfort with risk against the return you need on your investments to reach your goals.
Determine your emotional readiness
There’s no perfect age to retire, and the decision is more than financial - it’s also emotional. If you’re starting to think seriously about when to retire, these questions can help as you decide when is right for you and your family.
Use a retirement checklist
You plan, dream and talk about retiring for decades - and now it’s in sight. This checklist can help you plan ahead and outline your vision for retirement